dRAW - Raw Resources

Raw resources on Fantom are various ERC20 tokens. Now, on Sonic they are one ERC1155 Contract. This contract can be added to at any time. The supply is mintable by the owner of the contract: myself and eventually Deliland Governance. Supplies will be distributed by the owner to the Farm NFT Contract.

Basic Resources

ID 1 // Salt - Shio Mines, the Ocean, Migration

ID 2 // Water - Ocean, Lake Lauren, Waterworks, Migration

ID 3 // Yomopu - Migration Only


ID 11 // Wheat - Standard Farms + Migration

ID 12 // Sugarcane - Standard Farms + Migration

ID 13 // Seeds - Standard Farms + Migration

ID 14 // Lettuce - Standard Farms

ID 15 // Tomatoes - Standard Farms

Livestock Farmables

ID 101 // Eggs

ID 201 // Raw Cow Milk

Last updated