Hi. I am Maxus.
Entire Life Story Because Who the Fuck Cares
NJ born & raised.
Started playing guitar when I was 8. Started writing music shortly after.
Took the music life very seriously for a while. Opened a recording studio with some friends when I was 14.
In our parents' basements.
At 17 I watched The Elegant Universe and fell in love with physics.
I spent 4 years at Cornell University, and graduated with a BA in Physics and Mathematics.
And played too much Diablo 3, slept through my GRE, tossed grad school out the window.
Then I spent a year playing GTA V.. and learned some web dev on the side.
I joined forces with some homies and started a creative consulting company.
Went back to school to get my master's in mathematics.
Built websites and shit, smoked a lot of weed, and played way too much Blade & Soul, Dragonball Xenoverse... and more Diablo 3.
Reddit. The Button. Sunguardians.
Finished the MA in Mathematics. gg ez
Focused on the company for some time. Got an office. Smoked more weed.
Dad thinks I'm wasting time. Degrees don't matter, efforts don't matter, company isn't working and I need to get a job.
Took an actuarial exam for funsies.
Got a job as an analyst at a reinsurance brokerage.
Commuted to Manhattan 5 days a week. For a year.
And then COVID came and washed over the world like a massive dose of Xanax.
WFH for a year. Finally time to think and get back to the old ways. Studying for the third actuarial exam on financial derivatives. Consider trading options. Find wallstreetbets. The perfect storm brews.
2021. January
Job pulls me off another fucking project I fell in love with to work on something new. Open a Robinhood account and start flipping options. Start feeling too sick to work each day. XD
Buy mad GME. Mad options. Cash the options out the day before Robinhood smoked everyone... 20x. {Cry about it loser}
Quit my job. The night before my 30th birthday.
Dumped everything I had into ether.. and got some Shiba... in February.. sheeesh. I sold way too soon... FYI. Lesson learned.
After my brief shitcoin obsession, I fell in love with DeFi. Been a while since I've dated.
And started learning solidity.
Now here we are.
As I learn, we can learn together.
Everything is being funded by me (but really by my white privilege, luck, and a small amount of relevant experience).
Notes on Theoretical Physics and Why I Think the Universe is a Blockchain + Internet Combo Thing (W.I.P.)
Despite my references to a Multiverse, I do not believe String Theory is the true theory of the universe. Gravity is not a force. It is an emergent property of large systems of matter. I do not think there is a Multiverse.
The more I learn about blockchain technologies, the more I am convinced that our universe is an amalgam of an information transfer network (Internet) and a matter transfer network (Blockchain). Think of matter as units-of-value.. states of things as information... and force carriers as the mechanism by which information is transferred.
This thematic shift in headspace affords some wild extensions.
Information, transferred as massless photons, travels between systems of matter at the speed of light.
You may have heard the old interpretation of traversing the universe as a photon. At the speed of light, your journey would appear instantaneous. You would exist at all points along your journey simultaneously.
Interpretation. This is because time exists only on the matter transfer network, ticking forward as each block is mined. Only massive particles, and collections of them, experience this progression. And we, the observer, see light travel at this speed, no matter the relative speed of the emitter (via relativity), because again, light is not privy to the matter transfer network.
Suppose you witness two particles exchange photons back and forth. The time it takes for the exchange to occur is twice the distance between them, divided by the speed of light.
Now suppose they move at velocity v with respect to you. They still see the exchange take the same amount of time. But we see it traverse:
But light travels at one speed so we know
Sub that shit in and do math:
Now, imagine that in the absence of matter, the universe mines blocks at the planck time. What does this look like? Probably like quantum foam. The randomly generated pairs are essentially little validators. Though, if they aren't near something massive, they immediately annihilate each other. No matter... nothing to mine.
The planck time is:
When we observe the particles, at rest, exchange the photons, is the number of blocks mined throughout the exchange, times the planck time.
The number of blocks mined during the exchange does not depend on the speed of light, as long as we consider the planck length to be the fundamental constant.
Now in the second case,
When we witness the relative motion of the pair, we apparently witness the exchange span a larger number of blocks.
How can we interpret this?
When a system of matter moves, the entanglement threshold that vaguely defines the boundary of the system, isolates the blockchain locally. In transit, it is not opinionated in regards to whether it is moving, or if it is stationary while its surroundings move. In fact, this is the precise level of consensus the universe considers legit.
If we also had a pair exchanging photons separated by the same distance, and someone was moving with the pair we were studying, we would agree that locally the exchange occurs across n blocks, while the other exchange occurs across n' blocks.
At the entanglement threshold of a system, the localized chain communicates information to its surroundings. The faster the system is moving relative to the surroundings, the larger the number of blocks required to validate the event already validated internally.
v > c implies an imaginary number of blocks. But as the object accelerates, the number of blocks required to validate the event tends toward infinity. I don't think this means we can't move faster than the speed of light, just that the act of doing so cannot be proven to have occured.
When two particles become entangled, their state is mined into the next block of.. I want to call it the Master Chain.
If we separate them, and change the state of one, the other does not need to communicate using a photon in order to know the state has changed. Their correlation itself is permanently mined into the master chain.
Physics is our attempt to understand the underlying consensus mechanism, through which the Universe is able to propagate its own rules
Clearly I am fucking insane.
Please do not invest too much money into anything I make. Instead, invest your time if you enjoy doing so and we can all get rich together.
I am not a god, despite what your mother may have told you.
Last updated
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