{GODPROP #3} Acres Emissions
n : the number of halvings that have occurred since the last successful proposal that modified the Halving Rate.
X : the base number of days (as agreed on via proposal) after which the next halving will occur
Every X^( 1 / (2^n) ) days the emission rate of ACRE is halved.
The rate cannot be halved more frequently than every day.
Changing the Rate
At most Y days must pass before the Halving Rate can be modified by a new proposal.
At least one Halving must occur between every vote to change the Halving Rate.
Proposals on the same day as a Halving cannot change the Halving even if they close before the Halving is executed.
Option 1 - Degen Democracy
{ X = 7 && Y = 10 } How it plays out: Because we will have just passed a proposal, n = 0. 2^n = 1 1 / 2^n = 1 7^1 = 7 days from the passing of the proposal, the emission rate will cut in half. (75 -> 37.5 ACRE / block ) Then, the next halving will occur in ( 7^( 1 / 2 ^ 1) ~ 2.65 ~ 3 days. Thus, two Halvings will occur and the emission rate will be 18.75 ACRE / block when the next proposal is passed.
Option 2 - Defi Summer
{ X = 30 && Y = 30 } How it plays out: After thirty days we execute a Halving and vote on the new halving rate.
Option 3 - Degens' Delight
{ X = 16 && Y = 365 } How it plays out: Well shit... you better get farming them ACREs now.
Option 4 - NO
Last updated
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