Processing Raw Materials
There are three separate processing plants to process the ingredients from each of the farm types.
Flour and Sugar units are intended to be kilograms. Oil units are intended to have flexible interpretation, so that it can act as a balancing parameter.
Flour Mill
Cost: 0.001 FTM per BUSHEL
1 BUSHEL -> 27 wFLOUR whole wheat flour
Cost: 0.0001 FTM per BUSHEL
Sugarcane Processing Plant
1 CANE => 35 SUGAR
Cost: 0.001 FTM per CANE
1 CANE => 52 bSUGAR brown sugar
Cost: 0.0001 FTM per CANE
Oil Refinery
1 gSEED => 1 gcOIL gdeli cooking oil
Cost: 0.0001 FTM per gSEED
1 gSEED => 0.5 gpOIL gdeli premium oil
Cost: 0.001 FTM per gSEED
At any moment in time, there must be more ACREs staked in SolarFarms than there were burned for all existing Farms.
Last updated
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